2/9/2022 0 Comments Life Challenges![]() Imagine life without any challenges what so ever. When challenges are all around us and they are the only things we see, a life completely free of them is a welcome thought. But imagine a life without any challenges. That would be kind of boring, right? These past few years have been pretty different and a bit challenging. This is not only for me but for each and every one of us. This time have brought sorrows and challenges. People lost their jobs; some lost their lives. Some went through depression. In fact, this pandemic changed almost each and every human life. We don’t grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges. But this is a big challenge for everyone, parents, students, teachers, alike. “Life is about accepting the challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving forward, and savoring the journey.” Follow on IG for updates
![]() Believe it or not, even the simplest landing pages have been thoughtfully optimized to get more clicks. After all, little tweaks to the smallest page elements like where to place a call to action, word choice, or image use can net some huge wins. Or, done wrong, leave you wondering why no one's clicking. So you want to make sure that your landing pages are doing most things right, right out of the gate. Here are just a few of the most basis things you need to consider before pushing your page live.
Follow on IG @prestovaservices 2/1/2022 0 Comments Being Busy is Overrated![]() Why being busy is overrated For many, being busy is a badge of honor. It may even feel dangerous not to be fully occupied because people might conclude that your services aren't in demand. And, there's an adrenalin rush of feeling like you're in the thick of the action. The problem with being busy At the start, it feels important and even satisfying to be that busy leader. The more you take on, the more you achieve and the more you are rewarded. But longer term, being that busy leader will ultimately hurt your career and relationships (and probably your health too). When your calendar is packed with back-to-back meetings, there’s no time to think strategically. Having a to-do list that keeps expanding makes it hard to prioritize what matters most, including taking care of yourself and building key relationships at work and at home. And leaving it too long leads to people giving up trying to talk to you because you’ve made it clear through your actions that you’re too busy doing more important things. When the channels of communications close off, that’s where the real trouble begins. You’ll miss out on opportunities to tap into your team’s creativity, coach them to better performance, address issues before they become big problems, and advance important-but-not-urgent projects that set your group up for next level success. But it doesn’t have to be that way. How to stop being busy It starts with realizing that it’s not always good to be busy. Only if it’s the kind of busy that serves your bigger mission and purpose, and not the “busy work” that simply keeps you looking like you’re gainfully occupied. Then figuring out what’s causing your busy-ness so you can do something about it. Once you understand the cause and benefits of your being so busy, the range of possible solutions will become clearer. You may even find that making one or two small changes are all that’s needed to set you on course for letting go of the “busy work” and living the life you want. What will you do? Whether you decide to delegate more, say “no” to non-essential meetings, let go of perfection as your standard, or something completely different, it’s in your interest to take action to address your “busy-ness”. Wherever you stand in your career, know that busy-ness is overrated. The upside is open to debate and the downside is the potential to damage your career, your relationships and your health. It’s time to give yourself permission to create some flexibility in your schedule so you can stop being so busy and start focusing on what matters most. How could you create some flexibility in your schedule so you can stop being so busy and start living the life you truly want? Follow on IG for more business tips, contests and free resources |
CategoriesAll Business Topics Did You Know That? Google & SEO Inspiration & Motivation Quotes Quote Of The Day Social Media What Do You Think Francine A. AuthorWelcome to my Blog. Disclaimer: I am not an expert on the subjects posted on this blog and is merely sharing from either personal experience, articles or other networking sources. Content is intended only as useful tips and resources for business owners and all who visit this blog. Subjects will vary from time to time. NOTE: Some posts may contain affiliate links to products I really love and recommend, which means I may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you. I will use the earnings to maintain this blog and business. Archives
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