Tip 5- Do Facebook Live Videos on Your Business Page
As much as many of us dislike it, Facebook is giving top priority to Facebook Live videos (and Facebook ads) while giving little or no priority to other posts on Facebook business webpages. You still should have a Facebook business page, for sure - but chances are that many people will not see your blog posts or discussions in their news feed unless it is a Facebook Live video. If you’re a fitness professional or another small business owner or entrepreneur, Facebook Live is a GREAT way to demonstrate how to properly perform physical exercises, complete a workout, or perhaps share some quick fit tips. You certainly won't get better at live video by NOT doing them - so just start! I know I need to take my very own advice here and it is defiantly a goal of mine for 2017. ***************************************** If you enjoyed reading this post and found it informative and valuable, follow us on Facebook, like and share on your social media. Thank you. #facebookmarketing,#businessconsultant,#Facebooktips,#entrepreneurs,#socialmediamarketing, #marketingtips, #Facebookads, #livevideos
Tip 4 - Start Your Own Facebook Group
The same rules however, apply from above,nevertheless the best part here is - YOU are the group admin. For that reason, occasionally, you can promote your products or services. And, I do believe most people in Facebook groups expect or understand this. Just keep in mind the 80-20 rule: Post and share valuable, free content 80 % of the time and market your own products or services only 20% of time. Due to Facebook's latest algorithms, business webpages are not being seen as much. So, FB Groups (and live videos) appear to be where it's at in 2017! I feel like almost every small business or entrepreneur whose email list I am on has launched a free Facebook group. This may work a few various ways: 1- Begin by starting a general fitness group for your neighborhood community targeting a specific population or goal. 2 - Create a Facebook community that coincides with your blog or business (just don't promote your business or blog posts all the time - that can annoy your followers. 3 - Or, create a private Facebook group that coincides with your free challenge and put it to use to support one another and this will add extra value to the challenge. You can then turn this into your community that is theme related to your business. ******************* If you enjoyed reading this post and found it informative and valuable, follow us on Facebook, like and share on your social media. Thank you. #facebookmarketing,#businessconsultant,#Facebooktips,#entrepreneurs,#socialmediamarketing, #marketingtips, #Facebookads, #livevideos
Tip 3- Interact and Provide Value in Facebook Groups
As a social media manager and business consultant managing several Facebook groups, one of biggest things that bothers me is when I see people that only engage to promote or market their own business. I see this all the time in groups and it seems to happen very often. Usually when entrepreneurs do this, they also tend to post the exact same post in several other Facebook groups. Make sure you don't this. Use the Facebook group to make connections, learn from others, and help and support those newer members in the group. Engage in conversations and provide free valuable content. When you have a really valuable tip that you believe could benefit the group, share it. Make your name become well known to your followers. One that group members will see frequently and appreciate the value you add with no strings attached. ************************ If you enjoyed reading this post and found it informative and valuable, follow us on Facebook, like and share on your social media. Thank you. #facebookmarketing,#businessconsultant, #Facebooktips,#entrepreneurs, #socialmediamarketing, #marketingtips, 7/25/2017 1 Comment Hooked on Hashtags
4- Utilizing hashtags and social media can help small businesses cost-effectively build following locally, regionally and nationally. A hashtag was reportedly first used on Twitter in 2007. It emerged as a staple on Twitter, which, began to hyperlink tweeted hashtags on Twitter search results for the hashtagged word or phrase. Later, Twitter launched "Trending Topics" on its front page, which displays hashtags that are rapidly gaining popularity. Few years ago, Facebook enabled hashtagging on public-setting posts, further broadening its appeal.
Hungry to learn more about hashtags? Like us on Facebook today and receive some dos and don'ts involving the social media vehicle. ********************************** If you found this post informative and valuable, please share. Thank you. #hashtag, marketing, #entrepreneur, small business, administrative support, #virtual assistant, office help 7/24/2017 0 Comments Hooked on Hashtags3 - If you want to use a hashtag, simply type it in your own post. For example, "I love the products at #prestovirtuals. If you want to establish your own unique hashtag, it's a good idea to search for it first to make sure no one else has used it. Once you've determined it's not already in use, simply type the new hashtag in your post. Hashtags offer an online vehicle for small businesses to broaden their exposure and engage with customers. Because hashtags can be linked to a company's website - where it's products, services, promotions, etc. are exhibited - they could lead to revenues. Best of all, hashtags are free, so they can represent unsurpassed cost-effective marketing. (to be continued -4) ******************************************** If you found this post informative and valuable, please share. Thank you. #hashtag, marketing, #entrepreneur, small business, administrative support, #virtual assistant, office help,
Tip 2- Run A Free Challenge
Managing a free challenge does two things: it shows potential clients that you can transform their bodies and it also provides you with the possibility to gather their email addresses so that eventually you can make a sale. By commenting and interacting with challenge participants, you will leave them asking “now what?” Even if they do not purchase a product or service from you after the challenge, you have started the relationship and are on the way to continuing to build trust and stay at the top of their minds by sending occasional, beneficial-to-them email messages. Visit again soon for Tip 3 ************************************************** If you enjoyed reading this post and found it informative and valuable, follow us on Facebook, like and share. Thank you. #facebookmarketing, #businessconsultant, #Facebooktips, #virtualassistant, #socialmediamarketing, #marketingtips,
So you're interested in marketing your business on Facebook to promote your products or services. Maybe this type of marketing is all new to you or quite possibly you've been at it for some time and not seeing the results you were hoping for. The following series of tips will help you to market your business on Facebook and mention some steps that you may have missed. As an example, say you’re a personal trainer and you share fitness and nutrition tips with your followers. Once in a while you glimpse into your business on your business Facebook page. People have to know and trust that you actually really know what you are talking about before they can even consider working with you.
This is the first step. Next, make it a point to like or comment on a few Facebook posts in your news feed every day. By engaging and commenting, you each will show up in one another's news feed more often. Do this in groups as well. Once you’ve "primed the pump" in other words, start to become a name they see pop up more often, then you can simply pop in and ask how they are doing. Generally, people will ask a question back. This gives you an opportunity to say you are doing great, add something about your family or something personal, and then share that you are starting this or that online business venture or an in-person training business. That's it! At this point, don't sell them because that is awkward and not the way to go. Rather, it is recommended that you continue to like their post content and engage in discussions. When the time comes that they should have a fitness question or are seeking a personal trainer (or maybe have a friend or family that is looking for a trainer), then for sure, you will be the first person they think of. This method can take some time, but once you start getting a few clients and they start sharing their experiences with their friends and family, it can actually snowball into a valuable potential client list! Okay, so now you’re distinguishing yourself as the fitness expert, building trust, and forming relationships on Facebook, but how will you start to generate some business TODAY? The best solution out there right now seems to be by running free challenges. Visit again soon for Tip 2 ************************************************** If you enjoyed reading this post and found it informative and valuable, follow us on Facebook, like and share. Thank you. #facebookmarketing, #personaltrainer, #fitness, #nutrition, #socialmediamarketing, #marketingtips, 7/4/2017 0 Comments Hooked on Hashtags
Putting the # to use for your business. If you've ever seen the number symbol (#) in front of a word in a Facebook or Twitter post, you've seen a hashtag. As a business owner, I'm hooked on them. In fact, I credit their use with helping to boost my website and services. I don't have a budget for TV or magazine ads so I rely on social media for marketing.
Like this post on Facebook and visit our blog often for more Hashtag 101 ******************************** If you found this post informative and valuable, please share. Thank you. #hashtag, marketing, #entrepreneur, small business, administrative support, #virtual assistant, office help,
Advances in computing technology and the internet are making us smarter, some folks say. Others argue that having so much information at our fingertips can encourage mental laziness and fill us with false or misleading information. What Do You Think?
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CategoriesAll Business Topics Did You Know That? Google & SEO Inspiration & Motivation Quotes Quote Of The Day Social Media What Do You Think Francine A. AuthorWelcome to my Blog. Disclaimer: I am not an expert on the subjects posted on this blog and is merely sharing from either personal experience, articles or other networking sources. Content is intended only as useful tips and resources for business owners and all who visit this blog. Subjects will vary from time to time. NOTE: Some posts may contain affiliate links to products I really love and recommend, which means I may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you. I will use the earnings to maintain this blog and business. Archives
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