This post includes affiliate links to products I really love and recommend, which means I may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you. I will use the earnings to maintain my blog and business.
I just had to let you all know about this awesome tool.
Recently, I discovered a unique service and couldn’t wait to tell you about it. It’s a new twist on techniques used by top Internet marketers — one that involves videoconferencing. Here’s how I’ve seen it used in the past. Some marketers keep it simple. They invite their email subscribers to sign up for a free online event, such as a webinar, training session, or product demo. Other marketers make it more interesting. They design a “sideways sales letter” — a drip campaign delivering fresh content every few days. One message is text. Another might be video. Another links to a landing page. The eventual CTA is the same — sign-up for their free webinar. What’s their goal? Getting face-to-face with prospects. Now, I like to find out what’s new, so I enjoy receiving this type of campaign. And if the drip content is interesting, I sign up for the webinar. We all know the webinar will end with a sales offer. And I admit — sometimes I buy. No, not every time. But the format gives me all the information I need. Then I can make a decision that’s right for me. I’ve always wanted to try this approach — but it sounds complicated, right? I’d have to manage my contacts in multiple systems. And then there’s the expense. When you combine landing pages, email marketing, video conferencing and external tools from various providers, it can cost upwards of $250 a month. Then I discovered an innovative approach. GetResponse introduced a Pro package for do-it-yourselfers with no programming skills (like me), with all of those systems integrated into one account. And since they designed it for growing small businesses, it’s priced at only $49 per month. If you’ve ever wanted to combine email, webinars, video email and landing pages to juice-up the flow of your sales funnel, you owe it to yourself to check it out. Here’s a link to the details — no opt-in required. Check it out and let me know what you think. Follow on IG for more tips, tools and business advice
CategoriesAll Business Topics Did You Know That? Google & SEO Inspiration & Motivation Quotes Quote Of The Day Social Media What Do You Think Francine A. AuthorWelcome to my Blog. Disclaimer: I am not an expert on the subjects posted on this blog and is merely sharing from either personal experience, articles or other networking sources. Content is intended only as useful tips and resources for business owners and all who visit this blog. Subjects will vary from time to time. NOTE: Some posts may contain affiliate links to products I really love and recommend, which means I may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you. I will use the earnings to maintain this blog and business. Archives
March 2023
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